Why Rent? Go for Seat Leasing!
Renting a commercial space all on your own can be a hectic task. All costs will be shouldered on you. Yes, including the electricity bills, water, and even the internet. And not even all spaces available for lease are located in ideal places. Scouting for a possible location and bearing all the miscellaneous fees associated with it are surely perplexing.
Sounds like a gargantuan task, doesn’t it? Here at BPOSeats.com you don’t ever have to worry about starting up your own call center business. It’s relatively easy.
We offer a thousand seats for anyone who wants to lease. We are strategically located in all four locations around Metro Cebu so you will be assured that your office is accessible to your employees. Facilities in all of our sites are PEZA accredited. Internet speeds reach up to 1000 mbps+. You can be assured that every computer on each of our seats is brand new. We pay all the utility bills beforehand, so you can focus on growing your empire. All the hassle are the taken by us.
Modifications in the office space aren’t something new. We can accommodate your specific requests on how you want your working area should look like. You get to have your own office so it means, you get to have your own privacy. And not shared-environments unlike what some other companies are offering. We wouldn’t even force you to stay longer with us if you wish to discontinue your venture. We are flexible and we listen to your every need.
Now tell me. Is there any other company who does the exact same thing? BPOSeats.com is the fastest growing seat leasing company in Cebu. With over 4 years in the business, more companies are gaining more confidence in starting up their own businesses with us. GIve us a call now and we’ll be glad to hear from you!