BPOSeats.com Recruiting Hub (APM Mall)
It’s one thing to be the largest seat-leasing option in Cebu with over 4000 seats; however, when you have so many clients, the important next step is FILLING those 4000 seats. All campaign need agents to fuel their operations, and at BPOSeats.com we’re focused on providing you with the best agents in Cebu. While our competitors say they care about recruiting, can they prove it?
We can.
We opened up our first recruiting hub conveniently located at APM Mall, directly across from SM City Mall in Cebu, Philippines. It’s a very easy destination for prospective agents to get to. But that’s not it. We didn’t just build a recruiting hub, we re-defined how recruitment works in the Philippines. When an agent comes to APM, they are:
Digitally onboarding into our platform (this means no more stacks of printed resumes, saving you time, and helping the environment.)

Each agent is professionally filmed going through an interview conducted by our specially trained HR officers at BPOSeats.com (this means agents, and your team, don’t need to waste massive amounts of time dealing with the inefficiency of “applying” for a job. These filmed interviews provide the perfect first interview, allowing you to assess agent experience, communication, and professionalism.)
Each agent is professionally scored by objective criteria by our HR department, meaning we save you a lot of time by prioritizing the best applicants to the top.
Agents get to name their salary! Want to keep the best in the business? Pay them what they want to be paid and you’ll see happier, more productive, agents who want to stay and help grow your business.
We invite all applicants to head directly to our APM office location. No appointments necessary. For people looking to start a BPO, you have a facility, and you have agents lined up to begin operations – expect the best from BPOSeats.com!