BPOSeats.com: Seat Leasing and Creating Solutions
In the competitive world of the BPO industry, employers struggle to find office spaces. Here in BPO Seats, we make it easier. We make sure that you are always our top priority and we promise satisfaction to you and your employees. Not only will we provide you space, we will help you grow. We help you create an environment where your business will flourish along with the latest technology, custom solutions in workspaces in which a business can never go wrong. As a seat leasing provider, we possess the best quality where we and our clients build our relationship on. We possess FLEXIBILITY. We are flexible enough to be open and invest in new solutions, equipments and spaces where one shouldn’t be outgrown. As technology becomes more and more sophisticated, we are flexible enough to upgrade you to the latest technology, not to mention, a 100mbps internet connection. Along with this, we also offer 24/7 IT Support so we can cater to your tech needs as your company operates at any given time.
BPOseats.com is all about caring and helping your business grow.
We provide exclusive offices with the most competitive prices for each of our clients.
Even with just one seat or 500 seats, we get you on the right track.
BPOseats.com has over 4000 seats already across 4 facilities in Cebu City.
Being one of the fastest growing companies here in Cebu, our 24/7 operations are available exclusively for our clients. With competitive prices comes the inclusions per seat :
- Brand new professional office chairs
- Sound proofed cubicles for sound reductions
- 100 mbps Fiber optic internet connection
- brand new computers
- Airconditioning
- Free electricity
- full=time backup generators to avoid service interruptions
- Free use of the conference rooms
- professional cleaners