Seat leasing services we offer stand out from the rest. Add up to that our certified years of experience. is the fastest seat leasing service provider in all of Cebu, with over 4 years of experience. Over 4,000 seats spread across 3 locations around Metro Cebu. Facilities across 3 locations are certified PEZA accredited. Facilities have the fastest internet connection available today. Dual service providers are overseeing our internet facilities. Fast internet connection is made possible by hooking up our systems to dual service providers. Terms for the length for the duration of your lease in flexible. Clients get to decide how long they wish to stay. Forcing you to keep going isn’t exactly how we envision running our business. Terms are highly flexible. And the number of seats you can avail can range from 5 or even a thousand.
An all-in one leasing package is offered by BPOSeats to cater to this growing demand. With fewer resources spent on seat leasing, you can spend more money on other aspects of the business. Get your office set up from an excellent leasing provider. Taking up a rent for your office can be expensive and time consuming. BPOSeats is concerned about how things are done. For a low monthly rate per seat; facilities, equipment, space modifications, cleaning services, internet, equipment, technical support and even electricity are provided for you. BPOSeats is continues to outsmart the competition by developing more beneficial solutions to BPO services. Do not burden yourself from the many expenses of renting a commercial space on your own. Pay only for a low monthly are starting at $139 and everything is setup for you!
![ Seat Leasing Stations in Cebu](