Custom Solutions For Your Call Center Offices Start your own call center office by availing from 5 to 1, 000 seats among 10,000 seats available for lease. Your future company can in. Location of our sites are very accessible for everyone, making it an ideal place for work. Facilities are PEZA accredited and coupled with…

Seat Leasing Services That Starts at $130 Per Month
We all know that BPO industries run a very busy and demanding work schedule that is why, in order for them to succeed, the right tools and facilities must be readily available. If you are planning to save money for expenses, seat leasing is a better option as it brings so many benefits for your…

Ideal Leasing Services for your BPO Call Center
A BPO setting in a very competitive industry is a lot more complicated than anyone thought. Call center companies are always concerned about how their office space can cope up with their growing demands. That is why a conducive area is essential in sustaining a company’s success.’s Leasing Services Getting an ideal space for your…

A Conducive and Comfortable Call Center Office To Work In
A Conducive and Comfortable Call Center Office To Work In A call center office for lease in Cebu has now been made even more easier with, we now have over 10000+ seats that you can choose from across 5 different locations in Cebu and 1 in Luzon area. The more seats we can have,…

Seat Leasing Saves Time and Money for Startups
Call centers usually run a small-campaign at the beginning but as the demand rises, they need to run larger one to cope with the demand. These companies will need to acquire a large office space suitable for their company’s need. That is why seat leasing is very ideal as it saves you time and money.…

The Best Seat Leasing Option In Providing Office Needs
The Best Seat Leasing Option In Providing Office Needs Here at, we can supply, scale and provide office needs with our seat leasing option. We can be very versatile and can work with each of our client’s needs. That is why when you think about opening or expanding into Cebu, is the seat…

Leasing Space for you Call Center at a Lesser Cost
Leasing Space for you Call Center at a Lesser Cost Leasing is an option BPO companies think of when deciding to go for expansion as their campaigns are always expanding. They prefer to have an office that is capable to their needs., one of Cebu’s fast-growing leasing provider offers a service that will get…

Call Center Services At A Reasonable Price
Call Center Services At A Reasonable Price For over 5 years now,BPOSeats has currently built up a minimum of 10000+ seats and 100 workplaces with one objective: “To deliver the best services available with the absolute best pricing in the Philippines”. BPOSeats ultimately offers workplace of entrepreneurs trying to find inexpensive yet quality jam-packed workplaces for space…

Best Seat Leasing Provider for BPO in Metro Cebu
Metro Cebu has plenty of BPOs operating right now but not many of them can afford to get a place on their own to settle their operations that is why seat leasing is ideal, especially for startups. This provides a cheaper alternative in acquiring a space for your company. But despite the low prices offered for…

Supplying Your Call Center Needs With No Hidden Charges
Supplying Your Call Center Needs With No Hidden Charges, being one of the trusted Call Center and Seat Leasing Service option in Cebu, Philippines has now over 10,000 seating capacity and growing! The company custom builds to your preference and needs without any extra charges at a minimum required number of seats! The company…