Set Up a Call Center Business with BPOSeats Establishing a brand new call center company is not a simple job. Prior to you can make some genuine contacts with your customers, things may get slowed down due to other administrative duties that need to be handled such as installing air-condition, internet connection, furnishings, upkeep, security…

BPOSeats’ Seat Leasing Service Expands to IT Park
BPOSeats’ Seat Leasing Service Expands to IT Park Seat leasing is very cost-friendly. Furnitures, equipment & Internet connection are already provided for your office. IT support is also on standby just incase you need their assistance. Facilities are highly advanced and functional for daily use. BPO operations can work 7 days a week without faltering as…

Looking for an Ideal Workplace for your Call Center? Contact today!
Looking for an Ideal Workplace for your Call Center? Contact today! Get a serviced workplace at to begin and grow your call center business. With our plug and play, you will be supplied with a complete workplace packed with all the necessary thing you need to get going. What is Plug&Play? A plug…

A Seat Leasing Package That Maximizes Your Resources
A Seat Leasing Package That Maximizes Your Resources Seat leasing solutions is seen as a cost-efficient method in acquiring your space for work in a BPO setting. We offer seat leasing services, offer 24/7 exclusive office environments and even recruitment solutions. Leasing options are beneficial for the end-user. Seat leasing packages allow you to maximize…