Call Center Companies Experience An Edge in Amenities Call center companies now have the edge in amenities such as equipment and facility with Over 100+ exclusive 24/7 offices are available for lease. One of these can be your brand new office. We have covered everything you need in running a BPO operation. We have the…

Choose To Set-Up Your Call Center Through Seat Leasing
Choose To Set-Up Your Call Center Through Seat Leasing Call center industry is a big thing in the Philippines. The BPO industry in Cebu keeps on getting bigger and keeps on generating millions and millions of money. Thousands of Cebuanos continue to bear the fruits of their labor working hard within this industry. More and…

Avail Of the Latest Addition of Call Center Facilities
Avail Of the Latest Addition of Call Center Facilities Call center offices now have more options when they opt to partner with a seat leasing provider like now has over 10,000 seats and now with over six prime locations you can choose from where your company can be based. With a seat that…

A Fast Growing Call Center Seat Leasing Provider in Cebu
A Fast Growing Call Center Seat Leasing Provider in Cebu Here at, we offer seat leasing that is ideal for BPO or call center startups, expansions and relocation starting at $130 a month. As a fast growing provider with now over 10,000 seats available across six prime locations in Metro Cebu namely: GAGFA Tower, Mabolo…

New Technology, High Quality Equipment as Call Center Solutions
New Technology, High Quality Equipment as Call Center Solutions With a country like Philippines way behind the latest technology, a seat leasing provider such as offers advanced technology than any other company in the Philippines. With this country, a lot of things are in manual mode. There is nothing wrong with that but the…

An Excellent Call Center Working Space For Your Office
An Excellent Call Center Working Space For Your Office Call center companies at some point will need an excellent work space. An excellent work space would mean not just working on a bare space. A call center office should be more than just a bare space. Let me tell you about They are a…

More Call Center Seats & More Prime Locations
More Call Center Seats & More Prime Locations Running a call center operation in this competitive industry posts a lot of challenges. Businesses succeed when they perform well on their operations. Part of successfully operating the business is having the right tools and knowing how to manage it properly. With BPOSeats, we provide a customizable…

Complete Call Center Amenities and an Office Space
Complete Call Center Amenities and an Office Space A call center office should never be just an office space. With, they never offer just bare space. With, a call center office means so much more. A call center office space comes with amenities and 24/7 access and support for your office. With a… Opens Call Center Offices in IT Park Opens Call Center Offices in IT Park has recently opened new office spaces in IT Park, Lahug. A space where multinationals and industry leaders are most likely to open in terms of prime residential, business and commercial spaces of mixed-use hub. Located at the heart of Cebu’s entertainment and work-centered district, it is conveniently…

Neat, Efficient and Accessible Call Center Office Spaces
Neat, Efficient and Accessible Call Center Office Spaces An office should be three things: neat, efficient and accessible. Neat. The office should be clean and tidy for the obvious reasons, for the benefit of everybody in the company. The employees’ health is also the company’s health. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Keeping a neat office…