BPOSeats’ Newest Site for your Call Center Business in Philippines BPOSeats.com is known to be one of the most innovative and efficient BPO call center leasing companies in the Philippines. With more than a hundred offices and thousands of seats are up for lease, these facilities have low monthly rates that start at $130 per seat so practically…

The Foremost Call Center Destination in the Country
The Foremost Call Center Destination in the Country Cebu City Acknowledge as a first class urbanized metropolis in the island province of Cebu in Central Visayas, Philippines. It is also distinguished as a center of commerce, trade and education in the Visayas. This city has a population of 922,611, making it the 5th most inhabited…

Why Cebu is a favorite Seat Leasing Destination
You must choose Cebu City if you are planning for Call Center seat leasing. Cebu City is a first class extremely urbanized city in the island province of Cebu in Central Visayas, Philippines. It is a significant center of trade, commerce and education. Since of modern-day call center centers and expense conserving rates, Cebu City…