Accommodating and Supporting Call Center Businesses all over the World. Having a service that can support everything is what is all about. is that ideal group that can help and accommodate a Call Center/BPO business, whether small or large. A great deal of aspects that have to be thought about throughout the decision…

Call Center Inbound Accounts
Call Center Inbound Accounts and services. For service-oriented people, inbound accounts in a call center are a haven to showcase their skillset and talent. Not only that it prioritizes providing good customer service but it is also a good training ground for newly hired agents. To boil it down to the basics, here are some… An Excellent Seat Leasing Service An Excellent Seat Leasing Service in Philippines. BPOSeats is a company committed to put out excellent service when it comes to office spaces. A clean and efficient space makes employees satisfied to work in a good work environment. Our cost plans are much more budget friendly than exactly what other providers have. Adjustments or customization…

Passive Income for Call Center Agents
Passive Income for Call Center Agents In Philippines. BPO Companies most of the time offers a competitive salary for employees. Most of the time they exceed the expectations of applicants when compared to other local companies. However, whether we like it or not, there are times that expenses break our bank and we are left…

Call Center Myths Busted
Call Center Old Myths Busted Each applicant has their own expectations of the call center industry. It might be the competitive package they always thought about, the working environment of agents especially that most of the operational time covers the graveyard shift or the wrath of irate customers. To give light on this regard, here…

Call Center Offices Utilize a Leasing Setup with
Call Center Offices Utilize a Leasing Setup with in Cebu. Call center offices utilizing a seat leasing setup in BPOSeats can be a great advantage to your business. Low monthly rates starting at $130 are available for clients. Neat and functional office spaces are ready to serve you. It’s only a matter of time before this…

Call Center Career Life Hacks
Call Center Career Life Hacks in 2020. Each of us has our own reason for jumping to a career. More often, most starters are having a hard time grasping the line between their expectations and reality. As a giveaway, here are some of our tips for starters to survive your career on the world of…

Year 2021: Call Center Business in Cebu & Pampanga For a New Decade
Year 2020: Call Center Business in Cebu & Pampanga For a New Decade

BPOSeats Specializes in Call Center Seats & Other BPO Services
BPOSeats Specializes in Call Center Seats & Other BPO Services in Philippines. specializes in call center seats and one of the most trusted in Cebu. Practically, it is ideal for small to medium size or those start up companies that look for further assistance. It is a great alternative wherein it helps the business and…

The Beauty of Call Center Experience
The Beauty of Call Center Experience for Business. One of the challenges when facing the “real world” as they say is securing your first job. To many, this serves as the foundation of their learning, for others, this is the platform where they could showcase their skills and knowledge right out of school. To share…