Remote Workforce Is NOW ~ Do It With Tech For FREE Today
Managing your remote workforce with flexibility and accountability is the core value of the Tech, so learn more in this content.
Outsourcing activities introduces about remote working and sustainability.
Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay are just a few of the world’s leading companies that outsourced their customer service so that they can focus more on the core of their business processes.
Outsourcing activities are ideal for start-up and growing businesses that want to take advantage of affordability and convenience to provide customer support to help keep and increase their target audience.
And by providing your remote workforce with powerful tools for flexibility and accountability, remote team management is now becoming simpler and more satisfying.
You may have heard about remote working and you are engaging with it already.
If so, you stay ahead of the curve better than your competitors!

Your company may use free or paid accountability tools to help track your part-time or full-time employees’ creativity and productivity during work on your project objectives for a period.
Because no one undermines the importance of accountability tools to track your employees’ communications, support, and progress on every project goal.
And for most outsourcing companies, taking advantage of the benefits of remote work is one of the most effective ways to develop, adapt and prosper amid the financial struggle.
Because when the interruption occurs, your remote team became the most important
Much was interrupted when the COVID-19 exploded. Most companies, whether a startup or a growing company, have difficulty adapting and prospering in this worrying economic disorder.
Even before the pandemic, some businesses have already faced a financial burden. And now thousands of companies have declared bankruptcy more than ever.
As a result, a tragic event occurred for employees who lost their hard-earned jobs in a split second.
Yet, thanks to emerging companies that are born to meet the needs of customers and some businesses unable to find something in a physical store or office.
And thanks to those existing companies that remain strong with their operations to support their employees and customers, despite the harsh economic turbulence that the world has experienced.
The value of outsourcing diverse team

The importance of outsourcing activities has helped local and international economies to reduce the unemployment rates caused by the pandemic.
Most call center campaigns remain active in various locations today, such as in the Philippines.
Except for the aviation and tourism industries that remain struggling as ever as travel restriction measures have not yet been lifted in some countries.
Customer support, financial services, data entry, software development, digital marketers, ESL (English as a Second Language) among others that use digital technology to connect to their customers.
It has now proven that outsourcing is now the most effective way to upscale your business because of its sustainability, affordability, and reliability.
Your company and your employees can innovate, adapt and thrive in the new normal through work from home (WFH) setting or staying in an office facility.
As quarantine and certain lockdown measures prevent workers from meeting and working in a physical environment.
Yet an excellent way to adapt to major change, and if it were not because of outsourcing solutions and remote working today, our personal and national economy could have worsened!
A surge in digital services for agile business

Digital services such as online shopping, banking, distance learning, and virtual work increase dramatically when the pandemic hits the planet.
Before Covid- 19, most companies and employees did not rely on work from home organization. But when left with little to no choice, we are now adapting and innovating to the current situation, otherwise, we could not prosper.
Once I heard: Every problem is an opportunity and according to a Wikipedia report, in March 2020, global retail website traffic hit 14.3 billion visits signifying an unprecedented growth of e-commerce during the lockdown of 2020.
Studies show that in the US, as many as 29% of surveyed shoppers state that they will never go back to shopping in person again; in the UK, 43% of consumers state that they expect to keep on shopping the same way even after the lockdown is over.
Retail e-commerce sales show that VOCID-19 has a significant impact on e-commerce and that its sales are expected to reach $6.5 trillion by 2023.
So, if you outsourcing e-commerce support, bank, telco account, or anything else, your outsourcing company still has huge untapped potential to adapt and flourish.
While remote talent continues to disrupt the future of the workforce, emerging businesses continue to evolve as customers are always looking for ways to customize the services they need.
And talents all over the world continue to become sophisticated, as modern technology allows them to learn, innovate and improve their skills to stay relevant in their areas that your company can benefit from!
Why you business should support remote working now?

Diversity and affordability
Outsourcing enables companies to take advantage of the potential of different talents found all over the world.
While maintaining the superior quality of a product or service offered at a lower cost of human labor and infrastructure.
It goes without saying that outsourcing has had an enormous impact on small economies in Asia such as the Philippines, India, Vietnam, and Singapore.
If the promotion of diversity and equality is one of the core values of your company, then remote work is your next step in making a difference in the lives of others.
Unique collaboration of tech and talent

Taking advantage of diversity promotes unique cultures of talent and your business can learn different strategies, perspectives, and likely increase your target market in the areas of your remote employees.
“In 2020, the risk of a pandemic became reality. As governments, businesses, and societies grapple with COVID-19, societal cohesion is more important than ever. “ The Global Risks Report 2021 | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
Thus, without a remote job today, it would have been impossible for businesses and employees to create endless opportunities and services that meet the needs and desires of a changing environment.
A unique collaboration of leading companies with diverse talents has helped in one way or another, to reduce the negative impact caused by the pandemic.
In the future, most companies will learn how to effectively address any financial undertakings and a remote workforce is one of their best assets to synergize and meet the demand of a constantly growing market.
Easier access to tech and communication
Unlike 20-30 years ago, when communication was by snail mail and costly long-distance calls, our modern technology offers a huge jump from a traditional to a sophisticated model of communication as fast as a second.
Various chat and video tools, e-mail options, and online software platforms are already available and can be used as long as you have access to a reliable internet connection.
Thus remote working becomes so effective and efficient that your company or group of companies would have made huge progress and benefits in a shorter time limit.
Managing your business and remote working communication is simpler than ever!
Investing in powerful software solutions today for remote team

And compared to a traditional company that still doesn’t open its doors to recent software development, its overhead expenses are so high, yet the profit margin is so low.
Some work-related inefficiencies occur every day because your company does not use time tracking and accountability tools to monitor the progress of your employees’ work inside or outside the office.
Most outsourcing companies have now invested in powerful software solutions to effectively manage their teams in remote places.
In this way, they can monitor employees’ efficiency and productivity and allow the management to identify which employee is focused on their assigned task or project.
You can call out employees who are doing something different from their assigned work responsibilities, as some software platforms randomly capture screenshots from your employees’ monitors.
Because a centralized-transparent culture and using the right software solution is one key factor in ensuring that everyone’s responsibility in your organization is accomplished.
And investing in software solutions is a powerful way to scale your business without tedious or manual processes that are prone to disputes and mistakes.
And your need for a physical office space for talents

Remote working offers flexibility to your chosen talents to do the job wherever they are more comfortable.
A physical office is, however, ( along with a regular meetup of your talents), proves to be essential in maintaining your team and the company’s culture and allowing your remote employees to get to know the entire DNA of your corporate campaign.
For some, working from the home is not an ideal setup because of certain factors. For example, your employee may get easily disrupted by their little kids frequently ordering meals.
Or dogs from their neighbors barking every minute, and or unexpected visits from family or friends.
Also, an unreliable internet connection has proved inevitably vulnerable from working from home for some employees.
And according to one study, employees tend to communicate and collaborate with peers often if they are in proximity to each other.
So, whether your team is small or growing, a reliable presence in the office is a way to cultivate your unique culture and support the morale of your diverse workforce.
Your Need of a Tech ~Project Management (PM) Tool
Any remote team does not exist without using the appropriate tools. And it may be an online or offline software platform, it helps your business to track the progress of your company’s resources and employee’s productivity working on your specific project.
There are thousands of online platforms available on the market today that you can try to know if they are effective in managing your business.
Some are free which allows you to use certain features such as scheduling a task, sending messages, attaching files, etc.
While some software platforms require payment for a premium or business subscription to unlock certain specific features that are not available on the free subscription.
Examples of those project management tools currently available:
Mattermost, Trello, TimeDoctor, Wrike, Monday.com, Jira, etc.
Why do you need to have a Project Management tool?

You don’t allow your remote talents to waste any of your time and resources working on your projects, do you?
Thus, an appropriate project management tool is important for you to invest in as it monitors the progress of your various projects and talents.
An excellent culture reflects how your management and your talents cooperate and communicate openly.
Hence, your project management tool should allow you to visualize, communicate and support your staff wherever you are and whenever they need your motivational presence.
Tap into BPOSeats’ all-in-one Project Management Tech!
And thanks to its remote staff engaged from Asia and Africa, BPOSeats has developed a software solution (SaaS) that your outsourcing company can try to implement for free for the management of your project and employee commitments.
The departmental operation is simplified in the system so that you can monitor every professional conversation of your remote workforce.
For example, human resources, operations, legal, marketing, accounting, general services, and other support lines that you can add based on your organizational chart.
We would like to present you within THE BOARD, the main feature of the PM tool that can be used to access your diverse staff belonging to a specific section or department.
Each time you have a task or problem assigned to a team or project leader, you can create a card in the TO DO section. Provide a description of the activity, load an attachment, if necessary, and the expected deadline. And that’s all!
Your team will assign roles to its members and you can track the progress of this project in the DOING and DONE tab bars.
The addition or modification of team members is one of the features of the BPOSeasts’ The Board Project management tool.
The BPOSeats ApplyBPOTime Tracking System that screenshots employees’ activities and computes payroll is integrated with THE BOARD Project management software solution.
In other words, remote workforce tasks are tied to the time they logged in while doing their assigned jobs.
The time- tracking features the following:
- Employee profile: photo and internal identification number
- A dashboard that stores your employees 201 files on the system:
- Notifications: for system update or disciplinary actions
- TimeLogs: tracks your employees’ hours worked in a day and earn.
- Settings: for Configuration and Options
More exclusive features are in the works as the full-time remote BPOSeats workforce continues to strive for excellence in delivering an all-in-one project management tech.
Software solutions are now available for almost any type of business size. Even startups can take advantage of BPOSeats project management tools to intelligently begin your success journey of setting up your outsourcing activity.
And with the highest efficiency of your company’s time and resources because you are using the appropriate tools for your remote workforce today.
“It is a clever way to establish a connection/relationship with a person with a specialization in a remote area or country backed by the intense POWER of the BPOSeats ecosystem.” Graham Cvinar, Project Manager, BPOSeats’ Tech.
Mattermost is a tool.
Trello is a tool.
BPOSeat’s Tech for your remote team is a great tool.
Tap into the Tech NOW!
Read More: Why Your Businesses Should Use This Technology!
Your Personalized Solution Exclusive from BPOSeats Intelligent Tech!